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Fighting the urge to hurl...

... a brick through the window of every store carrying these dolls, the ads for which have only just crossed my radar. Yup, a major toy manufacturer is now officially sexualising infant girls.

Apparently some folks in the US have been shocked, shocked I tell you to find they have bought "a doll that looks like a prostitute and when [they] get it home [they] realize that yes, it still looks like a prostitute".

This brings me to one of my regular rants - the number of young girls I see wearing clothes to go supermarketing with their parents that would have been considered way too extreme for Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver. And some of the girls are well under 10. What the hell happened to a childhood of jeans and T-shirts, and skirts that do more than just skim the butt?

Surely the teens are soon enough to start wearing sexy fashion, if one has been socialised to feel success as a woman is predicated on being judged on one's looks alone. That's another rant in itself. But the little girls! Why the fuck do so many parents want to dress their pre-teen daughters like prostitutes?


Anonymous said...

The word you're looking for is prostitot.

tigtog said...

Uggh. What an appallingly perfect neologism.

Though following that wiki entry through to kinderwhore a la Courtney Love gave me the surprising information that she alleges she based the look on Chrissy Amphlett of the DiVinyls. Chrissy's vampy schoolgirl was very much in the mould of a St Trinians 6th Former, well and truly over the age of consent, not some prepubescent dress-up, so I'm surprised that wiki connected the two terms - the label kinderwhore/babydoll for that particular rock chick look seems poorly chosen, as it doesn't really seem to have much to do with underage hypersexualisation.